I remember some 8 years ago dragging that Elf on the Shelf down to the beach to make a Christmas image. That day I even took the boat out after the festivities with the family. I got some nice gifts and cards from the kids, below is what Erin wrote me in hers,
As the kids get older Christmas routines have changed a bit, hardly any real shopping, most stuff ordered online, they all places to go, and this year with Covid, forget it, no chance of any normalcy at the holidays.
So this Christmas morning it will be Theresa and I exchanging gifts alone by the tree, starting to understand and feel what empty nesting is like. While Thanksgiving is my holiday, I did enjoy so many years when the kids were kids and Christmas mornings were just the best. But I always remember what Christmas, to me, is really about. The birth of Jesus, I have celebrated 52 of his birthdays an hope for a whole lot more, and some more normalcy next year in 2021.