Had Christina out for a long day of striper hunting and fishing. Started out after first light on the start of the outgoing tide. I wanted to start after the big moon water subsided a bit but in the end I don't even any plan would have worked. We put a lot of miles on the truck and on our feet looking for signs of bait and bass.
This is the second time we have fished and the next time we WILL get into some fish but the groundwork has been laid, all we need now is some hungry fish. In between our search we had a nice lunch at Brennan's and a coffee break at DD's. In the end we found her favorite spot down south and were able to creep out to the end of the sand bar and fish fishy water as an occasional gannet would dive off the bar.
Last week we had a lot, a mean a lot, of fish pass through the Jersey Shore and now we need more fish to pass and the sand eels to show to keep the fish around and within a fly rods reach.