Heritage Way, Colts Neck Colin Archer for The New York Times
I was still on assignment for The New York Times and had to go make some pictures. The bulk of the storm had passed, but I was sure there was good images to make. My friend said Sea Bright took a beating and the town was shut down going in. I called the photo desk in the city to see if they knew or wanted anything specific. I mentioned the problems in Sea Bright and was told to give it a shot. I made images in Rumson and Red Bank and went home to try and transmit.
My Verizon was out and I tried to transmit off my iPad. No good. I reached out to my friend Carl who had a good cable connection so I went there to move pictures. After I sent them I got a call from the photo editor asking me, " You got anything with any sand in it?". That's a horrible question to hear asked. Basically it means either, "Your pictures suck", or "It's not what we're looking for."
I had my point and shoot and ran down to Avon and made a few pictures of a guy in a loader moving sand around Ocean Avenue. I went back to Carl's, sent them, and never heard back again.
Looking at the Shrewsbury River and Sea Bright from Rumson Colin Archer for The New York Times
Shrewsbury Way, Rumson New Jersey Colin Archer for The New York Times
Monmouth Street, Red Bank Colin Archer for The New York Times