Friday, August 19, 2011

08.19.11 Took a ride down to Deal and found some birds working...also read about the algae bloom off New Jersey

     I had a boat mechanic come out to the house to take a look at the boat. Let's just say he ordered Marvel Mystery Oil in the engine and then call him back in a week. More on that to follow. Then I took a quick ride down to Deal to see what was happening. When I arrived people were starting to pack up as dark skies were moving in from the south. I looked up and down and found these birds busy off Roosevelt. I took a ride up and made some casts with my Orvis Access 8wt topped off with a Surf Candy. I saw some lightning in the distance so I pulled in after a few casts. It's nice to see birds on tiny bait, fall is coming! Hopefully the huge algae bloom found off New Jersey won't effect fishing that much.

Hopefully the huge algae bloom found off New Jersey won't effect fishing that much. A few days ago the NJ DEP put out a release that was picked up by several outlets reporting that a algae bloom had formed from Brooklyn down to Cape May. Upwelling gone wild and lots of rain and runoff lead to this bloom. When the algae dies off it could effect the fish as the oxygen levels decrease in the waters where bacteria eat the dead algae. Below is a satellite image of the area.