Sunday, September 22, 2024

09.22.24 Taking baby steps forward....

     What a beautiful weekend to hit the yard sales and flea markets. Or you could do the right thing and have your own. And that's what we did. We decided this week to do a purge of stuff we have in and around our house. We anticipated heavy traffic but two things we learned was, one, living on a busy street, and having your "front yard" in your backyard doesn't lend to good paying customers stopping by. 

    We ran it Saturday and Sunday, 8 hours each day. We started off with the biggest sale in the two barely used kayaks which went for $250 and then it was a pick here and there. We moved some stuff, a lot I guess, with the Sunday ending till coming in at $1,250. 

     But now there's still "stuff" littering the yard and driveway. What to do? The last thing we want to do is drag it back in the house so the next few days Theresa will have donation duty going on. 

     And why am I writing about this and what does this have to do with a fishing blog? Everything. I remember when we moved from Red Bank to Titusville and all the fishing adventures it brought to my life. Well, with a big move to South Carolina in the works this is just part of The Average Angler's story. 
We're staying focused and it's been three months since we got back....only a year or two away till the house goes on the market. 

What's funny is we don't like the heat, not much for the beach and never really listened to Jimmy Buffet. What could go wrong?