Sunday, August 25, 2024

08.25.24 The passage from summer to fall...


     Another weekend and another college drop off. This time it was Erin making her way back to St. Joseph's University in Philly. She was reunited with her roommate Annie from last year. Lucky for us both of the girls college move-ins went easy. Last week in ADK and this week closer top home. 

     While I am thrilled seeing the girls adulting, well kind of, I realize that with each day they move forward into the start of their adult lives it's also a step away from childhood and a lessened need for us. Well maybe not lessened, but different. We move from a custodial role to one of friendship. No doubt we always need our parents, and are blessed if we still have them around, but the kids own lives take precedence as they navigate through life. 

     So Theresa and I will be empty nesters from today moving forward. Who knows what the future has in store. Next week it's back to school for me. I do wish in a way I could go back in time and be starting college and adulthood all over again. If I only knew then what I know now.