Friday, December 22, 2023

12.22.23 Merry Christmas!!!

From the entire family at The Average Angler, well Theresa and I, we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. If that's not your jam then I hope your holiday season is blessed with good times with family and friends. No matter how things are right now, they could always be worse, be thankful and grateful. 

     While Christmas means many things to many people, or not, for me December 25th is the day Jesus was born. Catholics celebrate his birth in a manger in Bethlehem. Of course I grew up in a household 

Mom, Sis, Bro and Me putting Jesus in the manger- 1978

and went on to continue the "commercial" tradition with Santa Clause and presents and all that comes with that. It's all good, as long as we didn't forget to keep the religious meaning of this day in the center.

       A quick search online revealed to me how contested when the actual year and day of Jesus' birth was. There's too much to go into any discussion here but there are hundreds of theories about the years, like 4-6 BC, "way too early", to the dates, "the shepherds wouldn't have been in the fields in December". Anyway, December 25th works for me, and will continue to do so. See you again after Christmas.