Friday, November 11, 2022

11.11.22 Thanks to the men and women who serve...

      To Veterans past, present and future thank you for protecting our country and our freedoms. 

     Today we will get hit with the remnants of Hurricane Nicole. High winds, heavy rain, and tidal surges with the day post full moon. I am sure the boats will get out in the morning before the weather hits. And no doubt it will be more dead bass as we pick away as the biomass of stripers that are in the Raritan Bay. Do people think that its like the shelves at your local Shop Rite eache evening when the stock boys and girls replenish the products? It is not sustainable to harvest all the 28-38" fish you want, even if it is your legal right. There's only so many bass in the bay right now, and I am sure there we a lot more before all of the boats honed in on them. We'll see how the fall plays going forward.