Tuesday, July 23, 2024

07.23.24 Nothing good is going to come out of this...

     While cracking my crabs on Sunday a lady at the bar erupted and said, "Biden just dropped out!". The first thing I thought to myself was, "No, they forced him out." This blog isn't political and I'm not political but, like everyone else, I have my own thoughts. And my thought is this isn't the way democracy is supposed to work. Yes, President Biden is getting old, as we all are, but he's having a harder time doing so as of late. Best case scenario, he realized this and bowed out on his own accord. Nothing worse than being told "It's over Joey". But the right people, or the right amount of people, got in his ear and head and forced him to go. Whatever you think about him or politics, it's kinda just sad. 

     Well if the news cycle hasn't been busy enough here's more fuel to add to the fire. No doubt his naysayers and those on the Right will crucify him on his way out. And in my opinion I think he's going. Whatever umph he had closing out the end his first term, or possibly a next term, I think is gone. When you leave somewhere against your own will it deflates you like a balloon. Biden will age quicker than he has and he will turn over the President to Vice President Harris. Just my prediction. And I think that will also come from strong hints from his people, like Obama and Pelosi and Schumer. And don't forget to follow the money, big donors will donate, only if they're getting what they want. 

     And just like the Right the Left will have 1,000 people, who helped keep Harris in the closet the last three years, come out and support her overlooking all the things they were worried about in the past. Let's face it, Democrats and Republican are just shallow, period. 

     She is on a speed train to be the Democratic nominee and will soon pick a running mate. That should be interesting because no one in the running thought they would be as the ticket was Biden-Harris. But like Vance, who crucified Trump before pulling an about face, that V.P. nominee will most likely have had some kind of opinion on Harris, we'll just see if the graveyard diggers in the media can dig stuff up.

     We're on our way to another lesser-of-two-evils election this November. Never Trumpers may be delighted that Biden stepped down due to his age even more then their concern that Harris could win, and more importantly be the leader of the free world. And never Bidens or anything Democrat will rejoice in the endless barrage of gaffs that Harris has made over the last four years that will be on a 24-hr. loop on every conservative leaning media outlet you can find. 

     It all has changed. Remember when the incumbent was pretty much a shoe in? You did your four years, the other side just let the next four go, and then would come out hard when the term limit kicked in. Not anymore. we're heading to four-year one and done terms with constant fighting between the two sides. 

     I don't know what would be worse, a Trump-Harris debate or a Vance- Harris debate. Who knows what this will do to the independents and undecideds and the various different sectors of voters that the media likes to dissect down to hair color and weight. Women and different ethnic groups are always be fought over, mostly for votes over a candidate really wanting to help anybody. 

God help this country. I'm so done with it all. I just want it, and them, to all go away.