Friday, July 19, 2024

07.19.24 At least I landed a flattie....


     It's been a while since I fished and posted something directly related to fly fishing. So I hit Leif up and see if he wanted to meet for a quick early morning trip to the beach. It was very comfortable at

68 degrees and I expected the beach to be empty during my 0530 arrival. But to my horror the parking lot was full of cars. The beach club or town must have had a "sleep on the beach" night and after deciding to just stay put on the beach we made our way down and found the cars owners. We made our

way down to the water and found good water conditions, not so much for the beach and structure. While summer winds effect the sand movement and subsequent shoaling, this stretch just didn't have much for structure. With the full moon tide bringing lots of water at the 613 hight tide there just wasn't much of a trough to fish. Most of the stretches had flat sloping sand with a sand bar out of range for crab flies. 

But the water was clean and green and looked real good coupled with rising temps (above 60) with the recent switch from two months of south winds. I worked a tandem of AMC's (Archer's Mole Crab) 

with some Anise dropped on right where the trough should be and quickly went tight on a sub- 18 inch fluke. I thought maybe I picked a nice beat and maybe the fluke were stacked up faced into the beach

scarp looking for dislodged mole crabs, and there lots of shells of sand fleas on the beach. These crabs shed just like say calicos do so it's not uncommon to find blanks on the beach where the tide line ends. 

     I jumped up on the rocks but it was for naught as the shoaling sand made it flat and skinny along both sides. I was hoping for a striped bass to show up and maybe out further off the beach they were 

patrolling around. WEW fished until an hour after high tide and the water hadn't really started to empty into channels or cuts. If we waited we would have been bothered by the walkers who look shocked when they see a backcast as the look seemingly unaware along the waters edge. We called it a day with

just one flat fish to show for it. It felt good to get out and good to catch up with Leif. On the way out Leif said, "Enjoy your bagel", and he was right with his prediction. This morning though I wouldn't be alone as my baby turned 19 today so me and her brother went for bagels, of course with a little white milk on the side.