Thursday, October 12, 2023

10.13.23 Unsustainable numbers out of Maryland, none and done morning, and a great time at Orvis Princeton...


     Horrible news out of Maryland today. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced that this years juvenile striped bass young-of-the-year survey index is 1.0. That is the second lowest since they have tracked the reproductive success of striped bass. The 2012 class survey came it as the all-time lowest at 0.9. Sadly, we missed it this year by 0.1. I found the below graph on the 1@32 Pledge Facebook book which shows either different reults or the same results ran through a different algorithm, either way, not good. 

     The naysayers out there see an "abundance" of striped bass, like what we now have swimming in the Raritan and New York Bays, the New York Bight, and along the shores of New York and New Jersey. Some don't see the whatever through the whatever and don't see it's the Hudson stock that is holding the line for the striped bass. It will be interesting if the ASMFC does anything with this new science. 

    Early this morning I took the ride and fished with Leif before sunrise and an hour or so after. Fishy water, maybe a even smell of bunker in the air, but no sign of bait, although I might have seen a small pod of white bait, and no signs of bass, not on the beach or off.  

     I like the "flatwing", well it's not really one, that I tied up last night. Looks cool in the water, lots of action out the back. Little narrow for my liking. Next time I'll follow the recipe. I tried the new popper

taking it for just solo rides this morning. I just waited for something to jump it but that never happened. Looks like the weather is going to get jiggy this Saturday and last until next Wednesday, lot's of northeast winds and more changes to the beach which isn't a bad things. Wonder what this fall is going to look like, especially if the bait empties during the blow. 

     And at night if was off to Orvis Princeton for a talk I gave on striper fishing the fall run. Nice crowd in very cool setting outside the store. Lot of no-timers there amongst the mix of trout anglers. We 

 It was nice to see some familiar faces in the crowd. We basically covered the fall run from Raritan Bay down to IBSP and more. I always love doing these Orvis talks. Thanks to Andrew and Bruce for having me. We may be running a beach trip in November geared to the beginner to novice saltwater/ striper angler. More info on that coming soon.