Monday, October 2, 2023

10.02.23 Thank God for young kids.....

     My commute from Titusville to Newark three times a week is a crapshoot every morning, well, evenings too. My first move after getting in the new Jeep is to put on NJ 101.5. They have the best traffic reports for New Jersey's roadways hands down. Now obviously being on your phone to check social media or read the "newspaper" isn't smart, in fact, its just dumb. I still find myself at times on my phone while driving. Not cool. I have to do better at that. 

     We had Lauren and Brandon over for dinner the other night and I mentioned something about Sirius XM radio. Theresa has it in her newer car and I said that I miss it. I finally, after years, figured out how to download the app and get it on my phone. From time to time I remember and put on the Grateful Dead channel. For the past year or so I have discovered podcasts and they have made my commute 

much better. I listen to the Gettin' Salty podcast, which is all about old school firefighting, and on each Friday Joe Cermele's Cut & Retie podcast. The thing about podcasts, which is totally understandable, is the gap between shows. Once a week is about the quickest I have seen. I have since discovered more fly fishing related podcasts that I can easily access on my phone. The problem has been the dashboard phone mount puts is far away from my ear and I think my hearing is going with age. 

     I remember back in the day when you didn't have Sirius or XM built into your car. You would have several contraptions with wires running all over including a metallic antenna mounted on the roof. So as we ate the other night Brandon says, "Just get a FM transmitter.". Ok...... Well come to find out they are sold at Walmart for $19.88 and all you have to do is plug it into your cigarette lighter, pair it via Bluetooth with your phone, and find a radio channel that isn't being used. Game, set, match. 

      The one I got is made by onn. I forgot to mention it also has a car charger built into it. You can see more on it HERE