It was a fine fish. A good fish. A beautiful fish. was a small fish with an out of proportion belly. But it was a one-and-done fish that I caught on Ryan's rock which made my day and was the perfect ending to 2019's striper fishing.
So as I casted and talked to him he gave that top pic fish up after a long cast and a hard sweep along the groin. While it is a small fish, it wasn't easy to land on the rocks. That outgoing moving water about 3/4 tide rips and you have to bring the fish in along the rocks and through the current.
On my way out Pauly called me and Sid he was heading down. We hooked up on the beach and made a few casts on a dying tide without a bump. Birds not working, no herring around, just fishy looking water and no one home.
That is it for me for sure.....until 2020.