Wednesday, March 17, 2010

03.16.10 "Bug of the month" at Jersey Shore TU

As you all know I have been working hard trying to step my game up. I have been studying as much as I can about the bugs we have to come to love and hate. Last month at my Trout Unlimited meeting I asked chapter President Duane Lloyd if I could do a presentation every month called, "Bug of the Month". He said sure and it took off. For my first month I picked the Quill Gordon, or Epeorus Pleuralis. I made up a quick poster board with a nymph and dun and a little side view of the river during an emergence. It lasted about 10 minutes, I think gave a good overall of one of the first mayflies that guys will encounter. Big thing about quill gordons, the hatch on the bottom of the streams and the duns float to the surface before standing high on their legs to dry their wings and take flight. Next month will be the hendricksons!