Wishin' I was fishin'. After a quick deluge of rain, and of course wind, this weekend, things are starting to look better then they did. Rain up north quickly had an effect on the water levels in the river. Since this morning we've seen a 20% increase in the cfs and there will be more coming over the next day or so. While the water will drain rather quickly a good push of water does wonders for the start of the run of American shad, river herring, and striped bass.
In addition to the flows the water temps have hit that sought after 50 degree mark for the first time this spring. I'm not ruling out cold weather, or even snow, in the forecast but for right now I'll take what Mother Nature is giving. I'm probably a few weeks away from bringing the first fish to hand and I hope to start sneaking away from life, and work, from time to time coming soon.