Sunday, March 2, 2025

03.02.25 I wasn't ready if I wanted to...

     Good for those that went out yesterday and opened up the season. Yep, it was opening day with air temps in the 50's and wind blowing about 30 mph from the NW. I hope we don't have another spring like last year where it blew all spring, with monsoons in between. 

     The pics of the fish I saw were of all holdover fish that most likely will be caught and released into the grease or ran around trying to capture some of the bounty from one of the tackle shops. You know what, it's not me, not my fish, so I don't care. Have fun. 

     I spent most of yesterday, and the weekend, getting ready for school this week. I am so overwhelmed and exhausted with all that the job, and the students, bring to the table.

     While running around yesterday I ran into WalMart to see if I could grab a leaf rake cheaper then the $35 DeWalt (Don't they make power tools?) option Home Depot was selling. While there I was stopped by a nice kid from Newark. He works for AT&T and was assigned to the store in Hamilton this weekend. He got my ear, and then I got Theresa from the car and he got her ear. 21 years we were with Verizon and after an hour or so we were done. AT&T for cellular and internet at home. It looks like we save about $400 a month. Real nice kid, and you know how I feel about all things Newark. 

     Even if I wanted to go fishing I am behind this year. Truth is I don't even know where all my stuff is and I definitely slacked on tying up flies for the spring. Luckily it's cold, and today really cold, so hopefully a delayed start will serve me well.