After Bobby passed a few months ago there were rumblings that TAIL magazine was going to dedicate an issue solely to him. It would only befitting for a man who has given so much to the sport. So yesterday I got some calls and saw on social media posts that the issue had dropped.
Oh magazines. Remember them. They kind of went in the way of daily newspapers, and the dinosaurs. How many of us as kids, and adults, couldn't wait to see the front page in the newspaper box or the magazine stuffed in the mailbox where you hoped that the edges weren't torn or the sticker with the addressee's information wasn't in the wrong spot. Covers, and even the articles inside, were coveted some times, winding either pinned up on the wall, inside a cheap frame, or cut up and out and put into the keep-sake shoebox.
Now things are all digital, like this blog, only to be seen when accessed intentionally. You may be sent a link or see some digital content when it blows up on your computer screen as the surf through the web. These days those old scrolls that you once displayed on the coffee table or on the desk just aren't around. The magazines of old were similar to the family photo album and if you've ever misplaced one then you know what a loss it is.
So that is why having a magazine like TAIL remember Bob is so important. While we'll never forget him of course it's nice to have that cover to display and it's content readily accessible and able to be held and read when wanted, or even needed.
One section of the magazine is dedicated to the reflections from Bob's real friends. You can see how important he was and the impact he made on those truly close to him. He touched so many people, and not just in the world of fly tying and fly fishing, and this was the place where those in the sport had a chance to reflect on him, his life, and his contributions.
While TAIL magazine is a both a digital and hard copy magazine it's not readily available at your local bookstore. You would have to subscribe to it, find it at local fly shop, or know a guy who can get you a copy. It can be found on the TAIL website for you to preview. You can see the issue at TAIL Magazine HERE. Well done.