Over 200 people were in attendance as the American Museum of Fly Fishing posthumously awarded Bob Popovics the 2025 Izaak Walton Award. The standing room only event was held in the Strike Room at the end of the second day of The Fly Fishing Show.
The ceremony started out with a brilliantly done video which was mostly narrated by Bob himself. There were scenes from his some of his more memorable fly fishing outings, those infamous fly tying nights at his house, and during his trek across the sands of Island Beach State Park.
Above is classic Bob. Out enjoying the sunset utilizing that Bobby two-handed strip that has become so popular and effective in saltwater fly fishing. Watching Bob in the old videos, either before he sits down at the vice or takes you out on the beach, you can see how he helped lay down the foundation of the fly tying and fly fishing videos of today.
Andy Mill was the emcee of the event and he as a choice was spot on. I say that as Mill's podcasts with Bob and other well known people in the industry just really capture the essence
of the sport and the people who made it, or continue it, for us to enjoy today. His podcast with Bob last year was one they both looked forward to doing, and Bob was nervous going into it, but they both knocked it out of the park.
The museum invited a panel of Bob's friends to share some stories and thoughts about Bob. Leading up the event people didn't know what to expect and how would it go. Would it be a tear jerker or what Bob would really want - the coming together of people in the name of camaraderie and fly fishing.
The crowd had some good laughs and as I scanned the room there were some tears mixed in with the laughter. The stories were all good but the resounding feeling was, "Bob should be here for this". Mill opened up the floor and there were some audience members who shared
equally touching storied about Bob. That microphone could have went around the room and we would have been able to hear new stories from different people who were touched by Bob over the years. But for me the reaction that made the night most memorable was watching Bob's family, and especially Alexis, take in every word and share in the tears and laughter with those in the room.
It's only been three months on paper since Bob passed and the tributes online, in print, and with this award, keep him close and alive in our hearts and minds. At the end of the video Bob is shown driving the beach and was asked what advice regarding life he might have for others. He answered, "Stay positive". Well last night Bob was there and it was positive.
The AMFF established the Izaak Walton Award in 2014 to "...honor the and celebrate individuals who live by The Compleat Angler philosophy. Their passion for the sport of fly fishing and in their angling community provides inspiration for others and promotes the legacy of leadership for future generations". Walton penned The Compleat Angler in 1653 and his writings celebrates the natural world and the trills of fishing as a pastime.