Thursday, January 2, 2025

01.02.25 Time for the "Brine-Fly Grab Bag"....

     Just in time for The Fly Fishing Show. For those that know me know how much I loved Jim Matson of Brine Fly Innovations fame. He was the inventor of the Pulse Disc. He, his wife Laura,

and friend Mike Ferraro, were staples at the International Fly Tying Symposium and The Fly fishing Shows for years. I first met Jim in 2012 and sadly he passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2018. 

     Like most of us with the fly tying and fishing disorder he had stuff...and lots of it. He had a tricked out beach buggy, a super tricked out, and confusing Jones Brothers 19'10' Cape Fishermen, a tricked out Bucktail processing plant in his pole barn, and all types of fly tying stuff that has taken years to gift, donate, and sell off. And then there was all the equipment he used to manufacture the Pulse Discs.

    So after speaking with Laura and a survey amongst some of our friends, we came up with a fun way to move the last of what Jim has left. And here's where the fun comes in. Laura decided on the name as the "Brine Fly Grab Bag". 

     Here's how it will work. We're going to take a list of twenty interested people who will each enter the drawing for $50. We will get twenty large grocery bags and fill them with the various items that are left, and there's more then in the above image. Each bag will be numbered and then we will draw the names of the people that are in and then label each bag with the corresponding number. 

     Theresa and I will bring the bags to The Fly Fishing show and distribute them to the winners. So if you are interested, or if I call you and tell you you're in, then you'll be added to that list of twenty. What can you expect? There's tying tools, thread, lots of flies, hooks, things, materials, bags, heads, beads, eyes, I can go on but you get it. 

     It's in good fun, and hopefully will bring you some things you might need, or will get a chuckle at. The money raised will be a way of giving back to a fly tying and fishing spouse, who really has no idea how much money was really spent over the years. If you'd like to be in you can text me at (732) 261 7291 or email me I would like to just deliver them by hand at TFFS on Friday or Saturday January 24 th or 25th. If I have to ship it that would be on you.