Friday, February 19, 2021

02.19.21 What's going on in Texas isn't just affecting humans....

     Theresa and I have been getting daily updates when we check in with our daughter and her boyfriend who. moved to Plano last year. Its cold, there's no heat, pipes are bursting everywhere, but they are safe. While of course our herts got out to anyone suffering during this, we can't forget how this quick wether event can impact the wildlife. Here's some pics from Texas showing fish that dint make it. 

     In Texas they have rescued over 3,000 turtles and are keeping them in doors until it safe to return them to the water. Just imagine how much wildlife will not survive this, wild and domestic. I hear the chickens are taking a beating down there due to the cold and lack of food. This will al have a huge effect on prices in the near future, and the gas, that'll be over $3.00 a gallon very soon.