Thursday, September 30, 2010

09.30.10 Hit it early with no results

Got out around 530 and headed over to Phillips Ave to see if the surf and wind had calmed down any. Alan was out throwing metal in the suds and I worked the south side of the jetty for a bit. If you wanted to catch a surfer the north side was the place to fish. I couldn't get into it today. Last night I watched some Popovic videos on the Atlantic Flyrodders website...that was enough to ruin me for a few days. All kinds of fish, all kinds of blitzes... I only stayed a short while before heading down to Avon to fish around the jetty for Shark River Inlet. Unlike last week, I saw no bait, nor fish. I like fishing that jetty pictured above. As I go out each time I take a while to study the water, and see where and how the bait might travel and where the fish might lay in wait. The weather is going to be nasty for the next few days, which works out since I'll be busy at work and with the kids.

PS- West Branch at Hale Eddy- It's UP to 207 cfs @ 62 degrees. The rains should be heavy and will probably blow out the river, by Sunday it will be down to 9/28's 185 cfs