For many of us who striper fish we can remember the early days when the Beast Fleye first started to gain traction along the East Coast. Invented by Bob Popovics, it kind of went through many transformations over the years before, I would say, would be the final version which happened about 10 years ago. It pretty much has remained unchanged to today.
I would say around 7 years ago Beast Fleye hysteria hit the fly tying forums, social media, and the fly fishing shows. But before that a Jersey guy named Andrew Warshawer started to tie beautiful versions of Bob's fly with his guidance and permission. If you were from New Jersey, or anywhere in the States, and even abroad, then maybe you to received a package (above) from Andrew with a nice selection of his flies. I know I did. He kept me in flies for many years, as he did for most of the fly fishing Captain's from Jersey to Massachusetts.
In today's fly tying circles some of the well known Beast Fleye tyers like Ben Walley and Andre van Wyke, and there's others, all mention Andrew when it comes to the story of the evolution on how the Beast Fleye entered into their fly tying world. He wasn't the OG, Bob Pop was, but he truly was a disciple of his, and he deserves credit from all of us for what he gave us. I have had some of my best days ever on "Andrew Flies" as I call them. None better then